Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian

watch_later Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian.

Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian very diverse and have ideal flavor that unique. Several types of Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian recipes are also sufficient convenient to process and do not take long. Although not everyone likes Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian food, nowadays some people are get attached and like the various Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian foods available. This could be visible than the number of restaurants that supply Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian as one of the dish. You can cook Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian using 6 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian

  1. Prepare 1 of egg, 3 egg whites chopped.
  2. It's of Mustard.
  3. Prepare of Salt, Pepper, Smoked Paprika, Garlic.
  4. It's 1 oz of Onion, chopped.
  5. You need 1-2 oz of lettuce leaf.
  6. It's 2-6 oz of Tomato, cucumber, radishes (optional).

Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian step by step

  1. Boil eggs. Once cooled, cut up into small pieces, only using 1 yolk out of the 4 eggs. Chop onion into small chunks or salsa size. Add to chopped egg. Add mustard and seasoning. Seasoning can be changed to fit your tastes. Place mix over lettuce leaf, Wasa cracker or gluten free bread. You can also put in tomato or serve with cucumber, radishes, or another vegetable on the side..

Got ingredients for making Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian recipes is also not difficult. You can easily get the main ingredients at the nearest supermarket and even on the market. There are much types of Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian that are convenient and fast to process into delicious dishes. You can constantly praxis this Egg Salad Wrap-Vegetarian recipe at home, and can presenting it to your children and extended family. If you want to cook different foods on our website, we provide sundry types of food recipes which are of certainly very delicious and enjoyable to enjoy, please try they.

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